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Cataloxy Москва...Работа МосквыВакансии компании Международный Комитет Красного КрестаProtection of Family Links Specialist

Вакансия Protection of Family Links Specialist

ID: 1104778134   0     Вакансия в архиве

Protection of Family Links Specialist, Москва

Зарплата: 85000 руб. в месяц

Сводная информация

Должность: Protection of Family Links Specialist
Опубликована: 25.07.2024. Актуальна до: 24.08.2024
Сферы деятельности: Другие сферы
График работы: полный день
Пол: любой
Образование: неважно
Опыт работы: до 2 лет
Вакансия от партнера
Вакансия в архиве

Описание вакансии

The PFL Field Officer acts in support of the activities of the Protection department, with a particular emphasis on the collection and follow up of tracing requests related to the current conflict whereby families may have been separated from or lost contact with their relatives and need the ICRC’s support to clarify their fate and whereabouts.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Assists the PFL team in carrying out its activities.
  • Receives visitors/phone calls and ensures the adequate collection and follow up of tracing requests received from families who are looking for their loved ones.
  • Ensures proper beneficiary communication and empathy.
  • Ensures accurate processing of the information in accordance with the ICRC’s guidelines.
  • Undertakes filing and archiving tasks in line with the ICRC’s procedures.
  • Performs internal and external follow-up of individual cases, as needed.
  • Appropriately reports to the line manager and seeks regular support and guidance when needed.
  • Translates or interprets from Russian to English upon request.
  • Contributes to the adequate data treatment and analysis.
  • Carries out administrative tasks relating to the follow-up of PFL activities.
  • Acts in a smooth, dynamic, and interactive way with the different members of the team resulting in a good and conducive working environment and good quality results.
  • May be asked to perform tasks not covered in this job description and to provide support to other departments when necessary.
  • Performs all duties with the highest level of confidentiality in the interest of the beneficiaries, the employees, and the ICRC.

Experience / Education required:

  • University degree or professional diploma, preferably in a field related to social sciences.
  • Ideally 2 years work experience in a similar field of activity. Experience in social work is an asset.
  • Russian is a native language.
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English.
  • Good computer knowledge and skills.
  • Capacity to adhere to and to implement ICRC procedures.
  • Good communication skills and strong emotional intelligence.
  • Strong organizational skills

Terms and conditions:

  • Open-ended contract, 13th salary, medical insurance
  • Place of assignment: Moscow Delegation
  • Salary 85’000 RUB before taxes

How to apply:

If you fulfil the above-mentioned criteria and you would like to apply for this position, kindly submit your CV and motivation letter in English language, latest by 06 August 2024.

Only candidates meeting the above-mentioned criteria will be considered and contacted for interview and/or written test.

Немного о компании Международный Комитет Красного Креста

Международный Комитет Красного Креста осуществляет защиту и поддержку жертв войны и других ситуаций насилия. Подробнее»

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